476: End of Roman Empire in the West
493-526: Reign of Theodoric in Italy
518: Accession of Justin I
527: Accession of Justinian I
533-34: Belisarius reconquers Africa from Vandals
535-40: Belisarius reconquers Most of Italy from Ostrogoths
542: Plague in Constantinople
552-53: Final defeat of Ostrogoths by Narses
577: Invasion of the Balkans by Avars and Slavs begins
610: Accession of Heraclius
614-19: Persians conquer Syria, Palestine and Egypt
622: Mohammed flees Mecca to Medina. Heraclius begins campaign against Persia
626: Siege of Constantinople by Persians and Avars
627: Heraclius defeats Persians at Nineveh
636-46: Arabs occupy Syria, Palestine and Egypt and overrun Persian Empire
647: First Arab invasion of Asia Minor
674-78: Siege of Constantinople by Arabs
681: Foundation of Bulgarian state
711: Arab conquest of North Africa complete
717-18: Second siege of Constantinople by Arabs
726-87: First period of Iconoclasm
756-75: War between Byzantium and Bulgaria
811: Nicephorus I defeated and killed by Bulgarians
813-43: Second period of Iconoclasm
827: Arabs occupy Crete
864: Conversion of Bulgaria to the Greek-Orthodox faith
912-22: War between Byzantium and Bulgaria
923-44: Victorious campaigns of John Kurkuas against Arabs
961: Crete reconquered from Arabs
990-1019: Conquest of Bulgaria by Basil II
1022: Annexation of Armenia complete
1054: Schism between Eastern (Greek) and Western (Latin) Churches
1055: Seljuq Turks take Baghdad
1071: Seljuq Turks defeat and capture Romanus IV and overrun much of Asia Minor. Bari captured by Normans
1082: Alexius I grants trading privileges to Venice
1097: First crusade
1133-43: Victorious campaigns of John I in Cilicia and Syria
1147: Second Crusade. Normans capture Corfu, Corinth and Thebes
1155: Successful Byzantine campaign in Italy
1176: Seljuq victory at Myriokephalon
1182: Massacre of Latins in Constantinople
1185: Normans capture and sack Thessaloniki
1204: Capture of Constantinople by Fourth Crusade and establishment of Latin Empire
1259: Nicaean Army defeats Latins and Epirots at Pelagonia
1261: Recapture of Constantinople by Nicaean force and end of Latin Empire
1274: Council of Lyons. Michael VIII accepts church union
1282: Sicilian Vespers: defeat of Charles of Anjou
1308: Ottoman Turks take Ephesus
1321-28: Civil war between Andronicus II and Andronicus III
1329: Turks take Nicaea
1337: Turks take Nicomedia
1341-47: Civil war between John V and John Cantacuzenus
1347: The Black Death
1354: Turks take Gallipoli
1365: Turks establish their capital at Adrianople
1376-79: Civil war in Byzantium
1387: Thessaloniki surrenders to Turks
1393: End of Bulgarian state. Turks Occupy Thessalia
1396: Defeat of crusaders at Nicopolis
1397: Manuel Chrysoloras begins teaching Greek in Florence
1397-1402: Siege of Constantinople by Sultan Bajezid
1422: Murad besieges Constantinople
1430: Turks recapture Thessaloniki
1439: Council of Florence proclaims Church union
1444: Turks defeat Hungarians and crusaders at Varna
1453: Turks take Constantinople on May 29. Death of last emperor Constantine XI Palaeologus
1460: Turks take Mistra
1461: Turks take Trebizonda